Audium services
Audium Clinic is one of the best and most reputed hearing clinics devoted to solving any type of hearing issue with the latest treatments and technologies. Audium Clinic was established by the most trusted doctor who served many people with a 100% successful track record. This clinic provides a wide range of services for its patients. The services start from hearing tests to speech therapies. More exclusively they deal with speech and language assessment tests, Tinnitus Assessment and management, Assessment of Body Balance, Hearing Aids, Speech Therapy, and Hearing Test Services.
We ensure your better health with clear and loud audio to make you live normally in this world. Our clinic offers hearing tests for newborn children to adults and provides all kinds of speech therapies. Our service doesn’t end here; we also provide hearing aid solutions with the latest hearing aid devices. For more about our services read below carefully.
- Pure Tone Audiometry(PTA)
- Impedance Audiometry(IMP)
- Oto Acoustic Emission(OAE)
- Brain Steam Evoked Response Audiometry(BERA)
- Auditory Steady State Response(ASSR)
- Vestibule Evoked Maiyogivic Potential(VEMP)
- Electro Cochl Graphy(ECG)
A hearing aid is a device designed to improve hearing by making sound audible to a person with hearing loss.
1-BTE (Behind The Ear)
2-RIC(Receiver In canal)
3-CIC(completely In canal)
4-ITE(In the Ear)
5-Rechargeable hearing Aid
6-Bluetooth hearing aid
- Autism
- Aphavia
- Dysanthria
- Puberphavia
- Stuttering
- Cluttering
- Dysphasia
- Strock pateint etc
Best Repairing Services
Authorised repaining services for:-
- Phonak
- Widex
- Resound
- Interfon
- Audio services
- Danavox
- Signia
- Sonic